THE WARRIOR Submission

Glamming the Warrior: Boosting recovery through self-perception

A study by The Mental Health Foundation based in the United Kingdom, found that cancer patients suffering from depression have been linked to a 50% increase in mortality rates. However, when the perception of attractiveness was improved, the symptoms of depression and anxiety were immediately decreased with stability of improvements on psychological outcome. The Harvard School of Public Health’s Dept. of Society, Human Development & Health also concluded that the most optimistic of patients suffering from a diagnosis of cancer had approximately 50% less risk of mortality.

In conclusion, it is evident that there is a direct relationship between physical appearance and the healing process. The Glamming The Warrior (GTW) team firmly believes that enhancing one’s appearance can significantly contribute to overall well-being and accelerated healing. Our philosophy is simple: when you look good and feel good, you heal better.

Glamming the Warrior:

Win a Wellness Makeover

Do you or a loved one have an experience with cancer? Would you like the opportunity to win or gift someone a complete wellness makeover? Well, it’s time to share that story!

Join us on our mission to strengthen the community through wellness

Contribute through donation, sponsorship, and even participation in the event!